Friday 10 February 2012


Today we visited the YSP, honestly i didnt enjoy it. I like sculpting when the sculpture has been made with skill, i dont like all of this modern crap, its the same as when you go in a gallery and they just have a dog shit on a podium, it isnt art. A painting where you look at it and you cant comprehend the level of skill the artist possessed is art. Painters used to be masters now they stick a shark in a formaldehyde tank and call it art, its stupid, firstly Damien hurst how many times are you going to put something dead in a tank and rape millions from galleries for it! dont get me wrong Damien hursts paintings are actually really good, i just dont agree with the shark or the sheep one or that life cycle of the flies thing he did, its just disgusting. he didnt catch the shark, he didnt build the tank, he didnt preserve the shark, he just named the piece then sold it for MILLIONS, that isnt art an artist should be involved in the process of making his art for gods sake. anyway back to the sculpures, im sure there is a reason that the 'artist' for want of a better word, made them. i just dont 'get' it, i suppose the rusty tin can at the bottom is probobly protesting recycling and global warming and that sort of nonsense but honestly there are better ways of protesting recycling than making a crushed can and leaving it in a sculpture park in the middle of yorkshire! the running man looks like a cheap anthony Gormley to be honest, i think it looks unfinished. A shirt in the middle of a field, why!? what possible message is that supposed to give out?
 some giant red childrens blocks, maybe it is saying something about as you grow up dont lose your childishness or maybe you should play more, which in itself is a very true statement but when the sculpture giving that message has a sign near it saying do not climb the sculpture i find it quite hypocritical, maybe that one is just me though.

finally the plate with the chicken feet on it, i like it. its nice plain simple, its a dinner plate with chicken on it, made me want a roast dinner. the graphics on it are clear and precise.

all in all i wasnt very pleased with the YSP, half of the sculpures had been moved, we had to walk through muddy fields in bloody winter And to top it off the cafe was extortionate! 

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