Friday 11 November 2011

Bad Typography

 I dont even have to explain why this is bad really!, obviously the spacing is a joke. as for the type face chosen i actually think this is one of the only times you could use this and get away with it.
 this is one of the most unprofessional examples of bad type i have ever seen, the spacing is so eclectic and for no apparent reason they have decided to just stick the 'v' under the other letters. I honestly dont know who ok'd this to be the main page of their website but i think somebody needs to sit them down and give them their p45!
This never fails to make me smile, they went through the effort of going on the computer and opening word then writing it but couldnt be bothered lowering the size of the font. it doesnt matter that it is a bad example of typography i suppose because it still gets the message across to the viewer. does that make it good typography in that case? because the aim of it wasnt to be beautiful, the 'maker' wasnt interested in the aesthetics just the message and it does that, no more no less.

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